White Chocolate Raspberry Swirl Cheesecake

A round white chocolate cheesecake with raspberry swirl on a glass cake plate topped with twelve whipping cream swirls and a raspberry on top of each swirl

While this white chocolate raspberry swirl cheesecake is anything but German, I thought it deserved its own place on my blog because it is just so darn tasty (and a serious showstopper too)! I first made this cheesecake at the request of my hubby a few years ago for his birthday. I remember scouring theRead more

German Apricot Cheesecake with Quark (Aprikosenkuchen)

A German Apricot Cheesecake with Quark (Aprikosenkuchen) with 3 slices cut from it sitting on a white cake plate. A single slice sits on a white plate above it.

It’s amazing to me the phenomenal change a simple little adjustment can make to a recipe… take this German apricot cheesecake with quark for instance. The first time I made it, for some strange reason, I decided to put the apricots on the bottom between the crust and the filling. I thought it would lookRead more