While it is currently nowhere near plum season around here, digging out the last bags of plums from my freezer yesterday to finally turn into jam and fruit rollups has me dreaming of this plum streusel cake. Come to think of it, I have a few slices of it still wrapped and tucked in theRead more
Cheddar, Chive and Herb Spelt Scones + A Big Announcement
It was over two years ago that I last attempted to put these Cheddar, Chive and Herb Spelt Scones up here. Where does the time go?! For who knows what reason (probably me thinking the photos weren’t good enough) they never made it. Well, today is the day… because… baby wanted them. Yep you readRead more
Wild Blackberry Whole Spelt Scones
It’s afternoon in late August and the air is just barely starting to cool, bringing with it reminders of Fall. Oma and I are skipping down her road, each with an empty bucket on one arm in merry pursuit of the blackberries growing wild down around the corner. You can smell them before you seeRead more
Blueberry Lemon Spelt Scones
An ode to summer, an ode to humongous organic blueberries, an ode to a farmer named Jacob. We arrived in the heat, the kind of heat that makes everything quiet. Here was this very tall, jolly looking man ready to show us around his farm… specifically his blueberries fields. Up onto the tractor and awayRead more
Rhubarb Spelt Scones
It has been a looooooooooooong time since I made scones, but my Mom’s rhubarb plant has been growing like crazy since we made rhubarb cake so I decided to help the plant lighten the load. You might be thinking rhubarb is way too tart for scones, but it actually really lightened up the rich butteriness ofRead more