While certainly not a German recipe or even German inspired, these trail mix rice krispie bars (or “Rolf’s Nut Bars” as my Oma calls them) are one of those treats she always had on hand when I came to visit. A recipe originally from her friend Rolf, I recently rediscovered it in my pile ofRead more
Wild Blackberry Whole Spelt Scones
It’s afternoon in late August and the air is just barely starting to cool, bringing with it reminders of Fall. Oma and I are skipping down her road, each with an empty bucket on one arm in merry pursuit of the blackberries growing wild down around the corner. You can smell them before you seeRead more
Blackberry Spelt Tart
It’s been just under 3 years since I arrived to stay on the Sunshine Coast, but I’ve been coming to visit my Oma and Opa since before I could walk. One of my favourite memories to this day is heading out in the summer heat to pick blackberries with my Oma. I would squeal withRead more