German Fruit and Nut Bread (Swabian Hutzelbrot)

Two small slices German Fruit and Nut Bread (Swabian Hutzelbrot) on a white plate.

Last year around this time I heard my Mom mention the word “Hutzelbrot”, that she was going to make it and that is was one of my Oma’s favorite Christmas goodies. Of course, I was intrigued. I remember how surprised Oma was, she practically squealed with glee to receive it. However, after I found outRead more

German Apricot Cheesecake with Quark (Aprikosenkuchen)

A German Apricot Cheesecake with Quark (Aprikosenkuchen) with 3 slices cut from it sitting on a white cake plate. A single slice sits on a white plate above it.

It’s amazing to me the phenomenal change a simple little adjustment can make to a recipe… take this German apricot cheesecake with quark for instance. The first time I made it, for some strange reason, I decided to put the apricots on the bottom between the crust and the filling. I thought it would lookRead more